How to Rename a Branch Both Locally and Remotely in Git

Renaming branches in Git is a common task, whether you’re working on your own or collaborating with a team. This is what this article explores how to rename a branch both locally and remotely in Git. Before doing so, you need to ensure you have installed Git on your system and that you know the basics of the Git commands.

Steps to Rename a Branch

Step 1. Rename the Local Branch

Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to your Git repository directory. 

Rename the branch locally using the command:


git branch -m old_name new_name


Replace `old_name` with the current name of the branch you want to rename, and `new_name` with the desired new name for the branch.

Step 2. Delete the Old Branch on Remote

Next, delete the old branch from the remote repository using the following command:



git push origin –delete old_name


This command removes the old branch named `old_name` from the remote repository.

Step 3. Update the New Branch’s Upstream

To prevent Git from using the old name when pushing changes to the remote, unset the upstream branch for the new branch:



git branch –unset-upstream new_name


This command removes the upstream tracking configuration for the `new_name` branch.

Step 4. Push the Renamed Branch to Remote

Now, push the renamed branch to the remote repository using the following command:



git push origin new_name


This command pushes the `new_name` branch to the remote repository.

Step 5. Set Upstream for the New Branch

To set the upstream branch for the `new_name` branch, use the `-u` flag with the push command:



git push origin -u new_name


This command sets the upstream branch for `new_name`, enabling you to push changes to the branch without specifying the remote and branch name each time.


In case you need to streamline your Git workflow or need expert assistance on the same, then hire a developer who will optimize your processes, get rid of the troubles that may hinder your actions, and ensure a smooth collaboration inside the team.

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