Blogs of label-property-in-shopware-6

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How to Set Up Dynamic SEO URLs in Shopware

How to Set Up Dynamic SEO URLs in Shopware

A dynamic SEO URL is a URL of a web page that is dynamically generated from the database. It has to change every now and then. Here, we will discuss how we define our own SEO URLs. For this scenario, you can make use of the Shopware built-in SeoUrlRoute classes, which hold all the necessary information about your dynamic route. Let's have a look at an example of the stories section. Each story page has a different seo url with respect to language. So the seo UR...

How to use Label property for select box in shopware 6 admin ?

How to use Label property for select box in shopware 6 admin ?

In Shopware 6, we have this cool feature of showing labels with database entity field names in the backend administration. If the entity does not have a name field, the label will not be shown in the interface for plugin configuration and custom fields. Let's check with an example Here we are going to add a salutation entity as a single select in the plugin configuration /** * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""> <card> <title>Default salutation</...

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