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How to use Label property for select box in shopware 6 admin ?

In Shopware 6, we have this cool feature of showing labels with database entity field names in the backend administration. If the entity does not have a name field, the label will not be shown in the interface for plugin configuration and custom fields.

Let’s check with an example

Here we are going to add a salutation entity as a single select in the plugin configuration

The above configuration will not show the salutation labels. It will show the selected box but the option labels are empty.

Fig : Plugin configuration

We can solve this issue by using the “label property” available in shopware 6. You can use the field name inside the “label property”. Here displayName is a field name in the database table.


The above configuration will fetch and display the label in the select box.

Fig: Plugin configuration with labels

The following example will show how to use “label property” for custom fields.


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Aneesh Sreedharan
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