
We write about technical solutions for the roadblocks we face in everyday work and more on trends in technology. This will help some of you to tackle issues quickly and get some useful tips.

How to Redirect to the login page based on certain condition in shopware 6 ?

How to Redirect to the login page based on certain condition in shopware 6 ?

Shopware 6 is a powerful e-commerce platform that provides a wide range of features and customization options. One such customization option is the ability to redirect to the login page based on certain conditions. To redirect to the login page based on a certain condition in Shopware 6, you will need to create a new service in your plugin and extend the AbstractPlugin class. In this service, you can add a new method that checks the condition and redirects to the login page if necessary. Often we get the requirement from customers that certain products should be visible only to logged-in users. Let’s see how we can solve this problem. We can implement this with simple lines of code in subscribers.

How to Show the Latest Products first in the list for selected Categories – Shopware 6?

How to Show the Latest Products first in the list for selected Categories – Shopware 6?

In this article, we will discuss how to show the latest products first in the list of products in a category. We need to add a custom subscriber for ProductEvents /** * class MySubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface { /** * @var SystemConfigService */ private $systemConfigService; public function __construct( SystemConfigService $systemConfigService ) { $this->systemConfigService = $systemConfigService; } public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array { return [ ProductEvents::PRODUCT_LISTING_CRITERIA => 'productListingCriteria' ]; } public function productListingCriteria(ProductListingCriteriaEvent $event) { ...

3 Ways Blockchain Technology Transforming the Ecommerce Industry

3 Ways Blockchain Technology Transforming the Ecommerce Industry

ECommerce is one of the most lucrative sectors of 2021. As the e-commerce industry is ready for the next wave of growth, the integration of blockchain technology can make a winning combination. A recent market report revealed that the global blockchain market is predicted to grow from USD 3.0 billion in 2020 to USD 39.7 billion by 2025. Today, the eCommerce industry is facing various challenges including online identity verification, supply chain tracking, transparency, and cybersecurity issues, which can be solved to an extent with blockchain technology. From Walmart to Amazon, big e-commerce giants are already using the power of Blockchain to make their online business more secure, fast, and scalable. Here we are going to discuss the top three...

What is Headless Commerce and Why Ecommerce Businesses Need it?

What is Headless Commerce and Why Ecommerce Businesses Need it?

During earlier days, eCommerce websites used to get their traffic from desktop users coming from that single website. Now, users can buy a product from their smartphone, Tablet, voice assistant, etc., from different platforms and applications. That is from multiple touchpoints. If you want your eCommerce business to be up to date with the current trends, you should know what headless commerce is and how it can help your business succeed.   What is Headless commerce? Headless commerce, in simple words, decoupling the front-end from the back-end. This helps developers make changes in the front end without worrying about backend configuration. Headless commerce provides brands with flexibility and freedom to change their busin...

How Is Artificial  Intelligence And Voice Commerce Changing The Ecommerce Industry?

How Is Artificial Intelligence And Voice Commerce Changing The Ecommerce Industry?

Having an Ecommerce website or mobile application is not enough to get more business these days. The industry pioneers are leveraging new technologies to suit their customer needs using artificial intelligence and voice technology. In this article, we can look at how the Ecommerce industry is taking advantage of these technologies to create more revenue. What is Artificial Intelligence? In simple words, artificial intelligence is a program that performs tasks that requires human intelligence. That is, thinking and acting rationally like a human. So it’s a human brain that can be scaled up many times to solve problems in a faster, efficient way, without the cost of human error. How Can AI Technology Provide Solutions for Ecommerce? ...

The Future of Laravel: Key Trends and Updates You Need to Know in 2024

The Future of Laravel: Key Trends and Updates You Need to Know in 2024

Laravel is a popular open-source PHP web application framework that provides a robust and elegant platform for building web applications. Known for its expressive syntax, developer-friendly features, and extensive ecosystem, Laravel simplifies the process of web development and promotes best practices. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, offering a structured and organized approach to building web applications.

This is how we keep the Morale Up During the Pandemic, what about you?

This is how we keep the Morale Up During the Pandemic, what about you?

Novel CoronaVirus has disrupted and rearranged the workplace across the globe with breathtaking speed. In a week’s time, organizations across the world have sent millions of employees home, to work remotely. Without any preparation, managers have been thrust into the position of leading virtual teams, many for the first time. Facing a new complex reality, many businesses have struggled to respond quickly and practically without affecting employee morale. An unprecedented situation. In the new normal, our organization had to drastically shift to a new lifestyle as quickly as possible. The major challenge was to balance indiv...

MageCart Hackers Strike Again – Is this high time to Migrate to a Secure Platform?

MageCart Hackers Strike Again – Is this high time to Migrate to a Secure Platform?

Around 2,000 Ecommerce sites hit with a new attack targeted those sites running on Magento version 1, a version of the e-commerce software that is past end-of-life. The cyberattacks in which hackers implant malicious computer code into websites and third-party suppliers of digital systems to steal credit card info as people enter it at a checkout page are known as MageCart. The classic MageCart attack on the 2nd weekend of September 2020 is considered as the largest ever automated MageCart hack. Sansec researchers are the ones that discovered the hacks and stated that the incidents are still under investigation. “The massive scope of this weekend’s incident illustrates increased sophisticati...

Scale Your Real estate Business Like Never Before

Scale Your Real estate Business Like Never Before

Are you a real estate company? Are you truly in control of your properties? A study reveals that 60% of organizations lack insights into their real estate processes. Are you in that 60%? Then, it’s high time to choose a real estate management software that powers you to do more than just manage properties. 2Hatslogic, the leading global provider of innovative software introduces a future-proof, web-based, fully integrated end-to-end platform with mobile access to manage operations, execute leasing, and run analytics. This comprehensive, customizable, and cost-effective property management platform is designed to manage property and asset maintenance, reduce costs, and improv...

Reasons why you should stop using JQuery and switch to Vue.js

Reasons why you should stop using JQuery and switch to Vue.js

Application software development has been evolving and is always on the lookout for turning things better and a lot easier for any business. Even though a lot of front end technologies are considered and reviewed by developers, the prime requirements are- speed, intuitiveness, and user-centric applications. And this is one space where Vue.js comes as a key player. What is Vue.js and why is it gaining momentum? Vue.js is a JavaScript framework that comes with various optional tools for building responsive user interfaces. It has soon become one of the favorites of the front end developer community since it is user friendly. What makes Vue.js different from other monolithic frameworks is its adaptabi...

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