How to Create a Text Gradient in CSS?

A smart method to give the text on your website more visual appeal is to use CSS text gradients. Text elements can have a gradient effect by utilizing CSS attributes like `background}, `background-clip`, and `text-fill-color}. We'll walk you through the process of making a CSS text gradient in this tutorial. Steps to Create Text Gradient in CSS To create a CSS text gradient, you can use the following code snippet: css .text { background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#f00, #040000); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; } Let...

Steps to Detect Browser Back Button Events in JavaScript

Handling the back button in a web browser is something many web developers need to do. It's important because you might want to do something special when a user tries to go back to the previous page. In JavaScript, there are ways to know when the back button is clicked or when the URL changes. We'll look at a simple way to detect browser back button event in Javascript. Issue Faced The main issue faced by developers is how to trigger an event when the user clicks the back button or when there are changes in the URL. Traditional event listeners may not capture these specific actions, leading to challenges in implementing desired functionalities.

How to Control Text Decoration Behavior: Underline Text Cut-off Issue Resolution

When dealing with underlined text, one common issue arises when the underline passes through part of a character, causing an undesirable visual effect. This issue can occur due to various factors such as font size, line height, or specific font characteristics. Resolving this problem requires careful consideration and implementation of appropriate techniques to control the behaviour of underlined text effectively. Potential Causes  Font Size: In some cases, when the font size is relatively large, the underline may intersect with certain characters, especially those with descenders (such as 'g', 'y', 'p').

Is “display: box;” Still Relevant in Modern Web Development?

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, it's essential to stay updated with the latest techniques and best practices. One such area of concern is the use of outdated CSS properties like display: box;.  Problem The use of display: box; is not recommended for modern web development due to its limited support and functionality. Using this property may lead to compatibility issues and hinder the overall performance of your website. Solution

How to arrange child divs into column layout (masonry layout) without using flexbox or grid?

As a software developer, you might have encountered numerous challenges in layout design, particularly when it comes to aligning child content divs into columns without relying on traditional row structures, flexbox, or grid systems. In this article, I'll share a simple yet effective solution that leverages CSS properties to achieve the desired layout. Traditional methods of layout design often involve using flexbox or grid systems to create columnar structures for organising content. However, there are scenarios where these approaches may not be suitable or supported, such as legacy codebases or ...

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