Author Archives: Shinu


How to Generate Instagram User Access Tokens

How to Generate Instagram User Access Tokens

Instagram User Access Tokens are essential for granting your app access to Instagram data on behalf of its users. These tokens allow your app to perform various actions, such as viewing user profiles, accessing media, and posting content. Why Generate Access Tokens? Generating access tokens is crucial for several reasons: User Authorization: Access tokens ensure that users explicitly grant permission to your app to access their Instagram data. ...

Converting Doc to PDF without breaking style.

Converting a word file to PDF with proper formatting is not easy. I tried many packages in Laravel but they all gave me broken PDFs with messed up styles. I found an API called CloudConvert( that supports the conversion between more than 200 different audio, video, document, ebook, archive, image, spreadsheet and presentation formats. This helped me to convert the doc file to PDF format very easily without breaking any style. It's very easy to install and use in Laravel via composer.js "require": {"robbiep/cloudconvert-laravel": "2.*"} Run the composer install to download the required files. You need to publish the config PHP artisan vendor:publish Just enter your API key in config/cloudconvert.php Note: ...

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