How to Add a "Not in Categories" Condition to Product Listing in Shopware 6.5

How to Add a “Not in Categories” Condition to Product Listing in Shopware 6.5

In Shopware 6.5, managing product listings efficiently is crucial for providing a seamless shopping experience. However, there may be instances where you want to exclude certain categories from your product listings. This guide will walk you through the process of adding a “not in categories” condition to your product listings.

1. Issue

You have a specific requirement to exclude products belonging to certain categories from your product listings in Shopware 6.5.


To achieve this, you can use filters to exclude products from specific categories. Take a look at the step-by-step guide to add the “not in categories” condition:

  • Define Category IDs to Exclude:

   First, identify the category IDs that you want to exclude from your product listings.

2. Create Filter for Each Category:

   Use the identified category IDs to create filters for each category. This can be achieved by mapping the category IDs to `EqualsFilter` instances.


$categoryIdFilters = array_map(static function ($categoryId) {

return new EqualsFilter('product.categoryTree', $categoryId);

}, $categoryIds);

3. Add Not Filter:

   Combine the category filters using a `NotFilter`. This will create a condition to exclude products from the specified categories.


$categoryIdFilters = array_map(static function ($categoryId) {

return new EqualsFilter('product.categoryTree', $categoryId);

}, $categoryIds);

4. Apply Criteria to Product Listing:

   Finally, apply the criteria with the not filter to your product listing.

Example Implementation:

Here’s an example implementation demonstrating how to add the “not in categories” condition to your product listing:


// Define category IDs to exclude

$categoryIdsToExclude = [1, 2, 3];

// Create filter for each category

$categoryIdFilters = array_map(static function ($categoryId) {

return new EqualsFilter('product.categoryTree', $categoryId);

}, $categoryIdsToExclude);

// Add Not Filter


new NotFilter(





// Apply criteria to product listing



Replace `[1, 2, 3]` with the actual category IDs you want to exclude.


By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily add a “not in categories” condition to your product listings in Shopware 6.5. This solution allows you to effectively manage your product listings and provide a tailored shopping experience for your customers.

Make sure to include a step to consult with expert Shopware developers for any additional guidance or assistance beyond the outlined steps in the guide.

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